We've received a request for papers on symbolism from Professor Rosina Neginsky of the University of Illinois in Springfield. Goodness knows that the Ring is a fleshy topic for symbolic interpretation!
Between 25-28 April, 2012 ALMSD (Art, Literature, Music in Symbolism and Decadence) will be hosting a second International conference, "Symbolism, Its Origins and Its Consequences" with the theme Light and Shade or Light and Obscurity in Symbolism, its origins and its consequences, which will take place at the beautiful Allerton Park, near the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana campus, in Monticello, Illinois. The organization would like to invite you to submit a proposal which will address the theme of the conference in art, literature and music. The proposal should be about 300 words and should be sent to symbolismabstracts@uis.edu before May 10, 2011. Please include a short version of your CV. If you have questions, please contact Rosina Neginsky at rnegi1@uis.edu.

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